A Century of Solitude

Friday, March 30, 2007


Brooks, Gary. Literature Board Games. 1997.A to Z Teacher Stuff. March 29, 2007< http://www.atozteacherstuff.com/pages/487.shtml>

We really didn't use this website at all. It did not help us in ANY form or manner. We thought of our own plans. We did not need a website. Well this plan consisted of making a board game. After reading the book, the students have to remember the adventures of the protagonists. This will help students remember important themes and scenes of the book. We thought of a similar idea. In the sense that we also thought of a game. Let us remind you that we did not need this website, we thought of it on our own, but we conclude that this could have been a good idea as well.

The Project.2007. Founding Principles. March 29,2007 <http://www.favoritepoem.org/theproject/index.html>

This website provided us with absolutely nothing. We just used this website because it was required. We did not think of doing a poem at all, it did not even cross our mind, but here it is. Imaginary Use: We incorporated the thoughts of this website along with ours, it was an awesome website!! A poem WOULD HAVE been a good idea, but we went along with our own ideas. We were creative and thought of such things as a mobile or powerpoint.


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